About me

Jitendra Savjani B. Eng., Healing practioner in Psychotherapy

Traumatherapeut - JItendra Savjani

Born 1951, of Indian origin


Jitendra speaks 5 languages,
of which fluent in English and German

My professional history

Unlike many people, my life did not go in a straight line but went zigzag over a colorful landscape.
Born to Indian parents in Tanzania, I was supposed to become a rich businessman, but the call for self-inquiry was strong in me from the beginning.
I left my own country and my people at the age of seventeen to do a degree in engineering in England. Changing professions and countries over the years, and several partners later, I have now finally found my home and my life-partner here in Germany.
To know who I am led me to meditation and to understand others has led me to personal growth and working with people.
In the beginning of this phase I learnt several bodywork modalities to give my healing hands the space they never got before. But in the last years my focus has moved to psychotherapy, especially to trauma therapy.
In the classical sense, a trauma has a catastrophic dimension and we can write this as Trauma with a big ‘T’.  But we can find roots to most of our psychological suffering in some form of trauma, written perhaps with a small ‘t’ - so much of our energy resources are not available to us, as our physiology remains stuck in the past.
It is a joy for me to see my clients come out of their unresolved history, and able to say ‘yes, it was terrible, but now it is over and I am again here!’
Often after a successful trauma treatment the clients feel as if they are making a new start in their life and here my 'Star Sapphire' consultation is an eye-opener, giving them the urgently needed direction and understanding.

Curriculum Vitae:

  • Intensive Meditation practice and Self-awareness work for over 40 years
  • 2018 - 2019: Training in ISP (Integral Somatic Psychology) with Mimansa Popat and the founder Raja Selvam in Mumbai
  • 2016 - 2017: Training in N.A.R.M. (Healing Developmental Trauma) with the founder Dr. Laurence Heller
  • 2014: Training in holistic Trauma therapy with techniques from EMDR. Training at Forum Gilching
  • 2011 - 2012: Couples Therapy Training – 'Growing in Love' with Samarona Buunk
  • 2008 - 2011: Training in Somatic Experiencing© (Trauma therapy), trained by Dr. Laurence Heller and Dr. Raja Selvam
  • 2010: Healing Practitioner (Psychotherapy) Certification, written and oral examination at the Wupperthal Health Office
  • 2008: Training in Indian Head Massage in London
  • 2005 -2006: Training in 'Psychic Massage' - with chakra reading by founder Sagarpriya Delong
  • 2002 - 2005: Training in 'Star Sapphire' Consultation with the founder Sagarpriya Delong
  • 2001 - 2002: Training in holistic Massage in Köln
  • B. Eng., graduated in England - Southampton University



Somatic Experiencing Verband Deutschland e.V.


Member of vfp

(Verband Freier Psychotherapeuten, Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie und Psychologischer Berater e.V.)





Interesting links:
















